Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Romantic Profile

The Sun: Your Unique Self
A Shy, Selfless Lover.
You have high standards in love, but once you fall for someone, you give the relationship everything you've got. You seek perfection.

Applying Yourself.
You don't enter a committed relationship lightly. You take true love seriously, and you're willing to apply yourself to making it work.

Devoted In Love.
You fall hard in love and devote yourself to your lover. Your kind compassion is your gift to give; make sure the recipient is worthy.

A Fresh Perspective.
You're attracted to all different types of people; they're attracted to you because they know they'll be accepted despite their differences.

Intense Affairs.
Your romantic admirers look to you as an example of the way to live life. You're positive, strong, energetic, always growing and changing.

Rein Yourself In.
You have a hard time reining in your ego, especially when you're trying to impress someone new. Some moderation is needed, if possible!

Mercury: How You Communicate
Sharp As A Paring Knife.
Your mind is sharp as a tack, and even more practical. But not everyone thinks as keenly as you do! So don't look down on them for it.

Naturally Balanced.
Your natural skill with creative negotiation is a great gift in a love affair. You know how to keep things sweet and romantic with a lover.

A Source Of Support.
You aren't one to stew for long. You like to resolve arguments quickly, and to provide support, advice and encouragement for your lover.

A Little Too Serious-minded.
Your power to focus on your work may not be so great for your love life. You get immersed in your projects and forget the passage of time.

A Restless Mind.
Your eccentric ideas make for interesting conversation on a date, until you grow bored and start picking fights just to liven things up.

Venus: How You Love
Love: An All-or-nothing Affair.
You wear your heart on your sleeve and devote yourself selflessly in love. But you need a loyal, trustworthy lover in order to feel secure.

Live To Love.
You live to love; commitment and devotion come naturally to you. Be sure that your long-term lover is as devoted to you as you are to them.

Love Defines You.
Love is a powerful, overwhelming experience for you as well as for anyone who gets involved with you. Love has made you who you are.

Innate Passion.
Your relationships won't all be smooth, but all of them fuel your passion for love. You're aggressive and impulsive in matters of the heart.

Unrealistic Fantasies.
Old, bad experiences in love have caused you to build walls around your heart -- and to develop a fantasy of love that just isn't realistic.

Mars: How You Are Motivated
The Direct Approach.
You take a passionate, aggressive approach to sex. Your charisma is compelling, but you can get demanding when you don't get what you want.

Unpredictable Sexual Energies.
Your sexual energies are unpredictable. Sometimes you need an outlet, fast! Other days, you're all tired out and don't want to be touched.

Seeking A Mind-body Connection.
Self-confidence will get you far in love. You shine like a beacon to your admirers. Look for a bond that's intellectual as well as physical.

Learning To Understand Yourself.
You have a hard time bringing your desires out into the open and acting on them. A lover who really gets you will help to open you up.

Jupiter: Your Beliefs and Values
A Broad Philosophy.
Your mind moves fast and your theories get very detailed. You'll fall for someone who can expand on your ideas and match your intelligence.

Saturn: Your Restrictions and Limitations
Interested And Yet Afraid.
You crave new influences but you're afraid to venture into unknown territory. Open up to your lover's different beliefs; you'll learn a lot.

High-flying Ideas.
Your original ideas might be a little too out-there for some of your more conventional dates. That's okay; it's a good way to weed them out!

Uranus: Your Rebellious Side
A Wanderer At Heart.
Your restless soul looks constantly to the horizon. You seek intellectual and physical adventure, and need a lover who seeks the same.

Neptune: Your Divine Self
A Practical Ideal: Security In Love.
Your most idealistic dream of love is actually practical: You hope for security in a romantic relationship, both emotional and financial.

The Transcendent Experience Of Love.
Sex for its own sake doesn't hold a lot of appeal for you. You'd much rather connect emotionally and spiritually as well as physically.

Pluto: Your Great Transformer
Life-altering Lovemaking.
Sex holds an obsessive, transformative power. No wonder you're so interested in it -- you want it to touch your soul and change your life!

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