Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Birthday Report

Recognition and Rewards: The Sun
Life-changing Experiences.
Some people look at the darker side of the world around them, and see only evil and fear. When you look at the same thing, you develop deeper wisdom and a stronger understanding of the world. You're highly perceptive this year and you'll successfully take whatever you see and turn it into a valuable life experience. You have an uncanny knack for knowing how and when to transform yourself for the greatest effect. This skill will give you a certain power over those around you, and you'll find you almost always land on your feet, no matter what you undertake. You'll feel a sense of empowerment, which will grow with each passing success. Romantically, this is a good year, as your charisma and magnetism will draw just about anyone you desire, and your passionate energies will keep them interested. When it comes to finances, you'll find you have a talent for making the right investments and saving will come easily. Make sure you're planning for the future; this is not a time for high-risk ventures. Go ahead and make some major changes in your life. If your intention is for the greater good, you'll achieve positive results.

The Will To Succeed.
You know who you are and you're quite comfortable in your own skin, thank you very much. With this faith in yourself, you've got all the markings for quite the pleasant year. You'll easily accomplish whatever you put your mind to, and you'll have the strength to stand up for yourself whenever necessary. That said, you'll also manage to be flexible when called upon to do so, especially by a certain attractive someone. The scales of ego versus others will balance out nicely for you, and you'll feel the benefits in all aspects of your life. Your confidence in yourself will help you mesh well with others, which will prove fortunate as you work your way to a raise or promotion -- and it will be even nicer in the bedroom. In order to really succeed this year, you'll have to take the focus off yourself a bit. Assist a coworker with a tough project. Remember to put your partner's needs above your own, at least some of the time. You'll be surprised by how much your thoughtfulness comes back to work for you. And adding to the pleasantries of this time will be your own excellent health. As if everything going well wasn't enough, you'll have plenty of energy and stamina to keep things at their peak level.

Blind Faith Won't Work.
It's time to walk down the long, occasionally scary and frequently lonely path of self-discovery. This could be one of the most confusing times of your life, and you will have to work hard to prevent others -- or even yourself -- from leading you astray. Unfortunately, only you can take this trip; no guests allowed, as they will only distract you and make it take longer. You're so impressionable from this birthday to the next that you'll find yourself easily tripped up by people who will try to prey on your gullibility. Casting blame for all your troubles is another sign of trouble. You'll be tempted to find an escape from the realities surrounding you, but you absolutely must avoid alcohol and drugs, as well as any other addictions. These will only allow you to forget your problems, but they will do nothing to help -- and in the long run, they will make your life much, much more difficult. Try to surround yourself with only the most positive and supportive people. You have a wonderfully rich imagination now and you should take full advantage of that. From using it as a form of escape to creating original and eye-catching artwork, you'll have a knack for turning your thoughts and dreams into something truly amazing.

Mind Expansion: Mercury
The Scales Of Justice.
The scales of justice weigh heavily on your mind, but in a pleasing manner, similar to the way a new love interest might take up much of your thoughts. In fact, there's a very good chance that when you're not contemplating both sides to every issue, you will be thinking of a current or potential partner. You'll seek out harmony in every situation and you'll happily consider every option in an effort to find the one that will help the most people. Conflict will hold no place in your life, and you'll go out of your way to avoid it. You will make an excellent peacekeeper or arbitrator in legal or difficult situations, but beware of the circumstances that require you to make a decision. You'll be so obsessed with seeing every angle, that you'll have a hard time choosing one particular direction. If you absolutely must make a choice, try not to think too much about it. Accept all the information you have, and then follow whatever is intuitively in your heart. Your first instinct is likely your best move, so feel free and confident to go with it, even if the decision seems fast. Understand too that although you abhor conflict, you must deal with it on occasion. Stick with only the most worthy battles though, in an effort to protect your sanity.

A Critical Mind.
A critic can be bad or good. On the one hand, the critic implies that something is wrong and needs to be fixed, and this can come across as negative. On the other hand, constructive criticism can lead to improvement and better things for the future. As this year progresses, try to stick with the latter when you consider both your own actions and those of others. You have a practical mind now, and your thoughts for the next year will be quite structured. You'll have little time for light conversation, and cold, hard facts will be a driving force for your thought process. Untested ideas and frivolity in any form will not sit well with you, as you'll prefer the more cautious and safe routes. This could lead to conflict with others as you'll have a hard time accepting their lighter side, and they'll have difficulties with your rigidity and cynicism. Don't let yourself get too critical of either them or yourself, though -- that could lead to depression on your part. Instead, accept that people will approach life differently from you. Put your energies into your work, where your sharp focus, caution and accuracy will be most appreciated.

Open Communication.
With the way you'll be chatting people up, it'll be like you just took a trip to Ireland and kissed the Blarney Stone... repeatedly. For the next year, you're going to have an incredible gift of gab. From social situations to romance, you'll know exactly what to say and when to say it. You'll have a natural eloquence, and you'll easily make sense of other people's ideas, confusing or otherwise. As you should be trying to keep the lines of communication as open as possible with as many people as possible, this ease of understanding will prove quite beneficial. Job associations and other relationships will flow more smoothly, and your ability to form new acquaintances will reach a high point. In fact, schmoozing, negotiating and diplomacy are skills you'll master this year. Love will also be a strong point for you since you'll be so good at saying what that special someone wants to hear. Just make sure you don't spend so much time talking that you forget to listen. Keep your emotions flowing openly and get creative with your dates -- poetry readings and museums will grab you now, and they always have just the perfect touch of romance.

Restraint Is Also A Virtue.
You are becoming a loaded gun just waiting to go off. It's almost like you're hoping a fight will come your way; and if it doesn't, you may try to go find one. Those you love will eagerly await your next birthday, hoping that this aggressiveness will finally dissipate. Their hopes will be fulfilled -- it will. But you can take action throughout the year to make this a little easier on both yourself and those around you. To start you must pay closer attention to what's going on around you and what you say. Many of your reactions will be completely unnecessary and they may come across as very brutal and harsh to their recipients. Try to base what you do and say off the nonverbal feedback of others. If your sweetheart just turns and walks away after one of your verbal lashings, then you've gone too far and need to apologize. Avoid making situations worse with careless comments or bragging. And when it comes to love, you must remember to step away from your emotions and move toward your thoughts. You'll be full of passion, but if you don't harness it properly, it could head off in the wrong direction. Feel through your emotions to find those that are positive, and only then should you allow them to your surface for your partner.

Crossing The Line Of Obsession.
Once you've decided something is important and worth your attention, woe to anyone who tries to change your direction or your mind. You'll become easily focused, to the point of obsession, on anything that manages to find a place in your brain. Whether this means solving a problem or convincing others to see something your way, you'll be absolutely relentless. Folks will just have to get out of your way to avoid being lost in the shuffle of that problem-solving machine you've got lodged in your head. If there has been a prickly point in your life about which you'd like to come to an understanding and possibly smooth out, this will be your year. You just won't let up until all the pieces have fallen into place -- and even then you'll still push around at them a bit to make sure nothing is loose. Through it all, the most important thing for you to remember will be to keep an open mind and remain tolerant of other people's thoughts about your actions and opinions. Just because you think it, doesn't necessarily make it so, and if you can't back down just a little, every now and then, you'll find that those you care most about will have a hard time being around you.

Struggling For The Right Words.
You're walking along thinking about an old coworker you haven't seen in a year, and all of a sudden, there they are rounding the corner in front of you and heading your way. You stop and ask them how their new job is, and they explain that they just got fired last week. Ah, and that's about the direction your whole year will take -- lots of unexpected, coincidental events filled with you trying to keep your foot out of your mouth. Whenever possible just sit and listen for a while before speaking, and even then, try to keep your speech as mild and inoffensive as possible. Your mind will be absolutely brilliant, but you won't be on quite the same plane of thought as everyone else. On the one hand, you'll have plenty of radical, out-of-the-box ideas, but on the other hand, your year will be filled with miscommunication and missed opportunities because of it. When it comes to your love life, you'll want to try to pay close attention to the needs of whomever the object of your desire is, as you'll have a special tendency to say the wrong thing at just the wrong moment if you're not careful. You'll face similar challenges with your job; have someone check your work as often as possible to make sure you didn't overlook anything.

Love and Romance: Venus
Romantic Attention.
Go ahead: Shout your love from the rooftops! Not in love at the moment? You will be soon, and when it happens, you still have the okay to shout it from the rooftops. In fact, you'll be quite gregarious with all of your emotions. Your goal for the year will simply be to find the best, most enjoyable people with whom to share your enthusiasm. You'll be extremely charming with a gift for saying just the right words at the right moment to make the object of your desire fall head over heels. Your flair for the dramatic will make you quite the center of attention, and you'll love things like acting and theater. You could, in fact, become quite egocentric and vain, if you don't keep yourself in check. Sure you can put on a show that everyone will want to see, but how many of them will stick around later to share something on a deeper level with you? That's really what you should be aiming for. Let your childlike approach to life help you draw in the honest, warmhearted people you love and deserve. There's a lot of fun to be had in this world, so grab the people who will enhance the good times, and spend all your extra time with them.

Freedom Within A Relationship.
You crave freedom. And you crave a long-lasting relationship. Somehow you've managed to meld the two together so that in the coming months, you'll be able to have both at the same time. The key will be meeting up with people who have the same need for space that you do, or helping your current significant other understand that even though you need some time away, you still care just as much as ever. Because you're so comfortable with who you are, you'll find a way to make this work. Your tastes will have a progressive bent, and so will your creativity. Only the most intelligent and unique people will have a chance of interesting you, and you'll find that even with them, you tend to be ten steps ahead. Your one weakness will be the ease with which your attention will turn to a new activity. You may get easily bored, no matter what you're working on, and want to move on to the next thing that piques your interest rather than finishing the original project. If you need mental stimulation, take a break, find some gadget that will amuse you, meet up with someone who's your intellectual equal -- but try to finish what you start.

Ambition and Desire: Mars
Emotional Understanding.
How you assert yourself and your emotions will play a key role in your associations and relationships in the coming months. You'll have an abundance of sensitive and caring energy building up inside of you, but if you don't know what to do with it, you may be frightened by it and try to deflect attention onto others. The result could be a passive-aggressive attack on someone, and you'll intuitively know just how to hurt them. In the end though, you could end up just as miserable. Instead of going on the attack, try to develop a deeper understanding of your own feelings. Your deepest desires will be for an emotional connection, but that will only successfully occur when you are in touch with your own instincts. Even sexually, you'll really only be aroused by someone with whom you feel an especially close connection. Consider working from home whenever possible, as you'll feel safe there, and therefore, more likely to work more successfully on your projects. Home, in fact, will be a place of solace for you, so you might want to expend some energy fixing it up, or gardening, or any type of home improvement where you take the lead. The work will make you feel both relaxed and revived at the same time.

Charitable Directions.
Though you may not realize it yet, you have the potential to influence large groups of people. The two areas where you'll see the greatest affects will be entertainment and charity. If you think those have nothing to do with each other, think again. One of the most useful things you can do for someone is provide them the occasional healthy escape from life -- it's no coincidence that people who couldn't afford anything during the depression still managed to get into movies, or that this was one of Hollywood's most successful eras. If you wanted to get into the entertainment industry, this will be a great year because you'll have the necessary aggression and persistence to get your foot in the door. Your fantasy world will be strong, and your ability to motivate yourself will be even stronger. You'll have a natural dramatic ability, so go out for a local production if Hollywood seems too far away. If you'd like to help out where you are (as you likely will), take some time to work at a volunteer organization or charity. You'll have an uncanny knowledge of what other people need, and your skills as a negotiator will help guarantee that they get it. Regardless of which direction you take, you'll be sure to come out successful by the time you reach your next birthday.

Conflicts And Manipulations.
You want so desperately to be yourself, to be an individual. Yet the harder you try to go it alone this year, the harder a time you'll have. One of the biggest lessons you'll need to learn will be that not everything is about you. You need to consider others as well, or you could end up in jealous, possessive relationships or in power struggles with nearly everyone you come across. In fact, you may find that people almost seem to be trying to goad you with their intense interactions. Look beyond what you see on the surface and into the true soul of the person with whom you're communicating. There's a good chance that what you perceive as manipulation will actually be nothing more than your own projection -- something of your own creation. If you don't realize this, you'll likely respond with anger and aggression in an attempt to feel in control -- but you'll never have control if you can't even see what's really going on. It would also be wise for you to remember that the results do not always justify the means. Though it may be difficult, you'll need to put yourself in everyone else's shoes before you make any comments. If you wouldn't like to hear what you're about to say, then you should probably just keep your mouth closed.

Unpredictable Anger.
Whoa -- hold onto your horses there! You've got an awful lot of anger that's about to start building up inside of you and it will just keep getting worse for the next year. You'll be tempted to lash out at everyone for the smallest of crimes (maybe even some imaginary ones), and you'll probably get yourself into trouble a few times because of that short fuse you'll be working with. To a certain extent, you may be your own worst enemy as you push people away with your temper. Your passions will be unpredictable, making you a difficult lover and a difficult employee. Anyone you interact with will likely be frustrated by your tendency to take out your frustrations on them, and even more frustrated by your inability to follow through with anything. You'll have bursts of energy that will get you started on a project, but you'll lose interest quickly and then get irritated that you're expected to finish the work. Although a solitary lifestyle isn't exactly the most fun, it's probably the direction you should take. Spend as much time by yourself in an effort to avoid upsetting those closest to you. Learn to take responsibility for your actions. Life will only start to improve when you're able to face up to the trouble you've caused and work to remedy the situations.

Travel and Finding Truth: Jupiter
Fixing The World.
Most of the time, people watch the news and learn about disasters like earthquakes, tornadoes or famines, and they feel terrible and wish there was something they could do to help. They might send money, but for the most part, their desire to help is as fleeting as the images on their TVs. You're about to become an exception to that rule. When you learn about a person or group of people who need help, you won't be satisfied just donating money, you'll want to put your heart and soul into helping them get out of whatever crisis they're in. You'll find yourself creating incredible goals for yourself this year -- goals like stamping out world hunger or ending homelessness. And, frankly, you'll come up with some incredible ideas to do just that. Let yourself go in any direction you choose on your philanthropic path. Your ideas will be ahead of their time, and your thoughts about how to improve the future will be dead on. It will simply be a matter of figuring out how to implement them. And the first step will be for you to get out of the house and start working hands-on with a group or organization to get those ideas of yours into the real world.

Open Your Mind.
For hundreds of years, people believed the world was flat. And then, in what was comparatively a blink of the eye, they were forced to change their views and accept that the earth was round. Don't be surprised if your beliefs go through a similarly drastic about-face, this year. You'll need to remain completely open-minded when it comes to the values of others because you never know when you might be completely stunned to discover that they could actually be right. This doesn't mean that you'll have to disregard the beliefs and faith you've worked so hard to develop over the years, but it does mean that there may be more to life than just what you understand at the beginning of the year. Travel as much as possible to open yourself up to new ways of thinking, and then share what you've learned. Talk with people you come across, and maybe even think of becoming a teacher. This will be one of those times where you may not even realize change is happening until much later. Just remember that, regardless of what you think or feel about the events and values around you, it's important to remain open to them -- they may just change your life!

A Healthy Escape.
Reality, schmeality. Who would want to bother with the real world when they could have a dream world that's as wonderful as yours will be this year? There's a very good chance that you'll be quite happy just living in your daydreams as much as possible. What could be wrong with that? Well, to start, you have friends who will miss you if you never pull your head out of the clouds. You'll also find that you'll be more likely to spend more than you can afford if you don't pay attention to what's really going on. The biggest thing you need to watch out for, though, will be your tendency toward addiction, whatever form it takes. You could get so used to living in your imagination that when you come back to reality, you immediately need to escape again. That's where you could into trouble. Drugs, alcohol, even caffeine and sugar -- or TV, or work, or whatever you do to escape -- are no solution to any problems you may face. Tough as it may be, you're going to have to force yourself to deal with life head-on. If you really get tired of dealing with it all, find a more positive form of escape -- read a book, watch a movie, drift back into your dreams. Just remember that there are people here in the real world who'd like your company from time to time!

Responsibilities and Restriction: Saturn
Search For Perfection.
Keys? Check. Phone? Check. Wallet? Check. Um, keys? Check... Does that sound familiar? Checking to make sure you have everything, and then checking again, just in case? It's a bit obsessive-compulsive, and to a certain extent, everyone has those tendencies, but you may go to more of an extreme this year than usual. You'll be faced with a need for order and perfection, and if you have trouble making that happen (and perfection can be hard to come by), you may find yourself picking up some nervous ticks. Even the smallest things, or perhaps, especially the smallest things will cause you a great deal of worry. You will become obsessed with the most minute details while trying to create order out of what you perceive to be chaos. Your first step toward returning to normality will be to accept that these issues exist. If you're in denial, you will simply make the situation more difficult. However, if you can deal with your inclinations responsibly and harness your fears, you'll be able to take on any organizational duty without the risk of complication. Most importantly, you'll want to keep these problems out of the bedroom, and again, the best way to do that is accept any issues you have so you can figure out how to move on.

Challenging The Status Quo.
The stars have thrown you a challenge for the coming year, but unless you can (or already have) developed tremendous inner strength, this will likely just result in a lot of stress and tension. You'll be encouraged to become your true, original and unique self, but while facing resistance from established ideals. If you succeed, you will likely break down the status quo, but if you don't, you'll struggle with feeling like you are being blocked and thwarted. Nonetheless, you must not give up. If you feel an urge to rebel against societal norms, then do so. If you want to push the envelope, then push it as far as you can. You may upset a lot of people, but you could get a lot more people to begin to question their own take on things. This may not be the greatest time for outside influences such as love, friends or finances because you'll likely drive nearly everyone around you up the wall with your weird perspectives. But keep going anyway. Don't let anyone slow you down. Your mind will work in progressive ways, which means you'll have to wait for others to come around to your way of thinking rather than expect them to understand you right away. It will take time, it will be difficult, but in the end, it will all be worth it.

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